Cookie Policy


This information is given by Rossella Mora with registered office in Via Italo Calvino 23A - 00015 Monterotondo – Rome - Italy, for the site for the purpose of release consent to the installation of cookies.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a text file that a website visited by the user sends to his terminal (computer, mobile device such as smartphone or tablet), where it is stored before being sent back to that site during a subsequent visit to the site.

Types of cookies
Cookies are distinct from each other:
- depending on the person who installs them, depending on whether the same operator of the visited site (so-called "first-party cookies") or a different subject (so-called "third-party cookies")

- based on the purpose of each cookie: some cookies allow better browsing, memorizing some user choices, for example the language (so-called "technical cookies"), other cookies allow you to monitor the user's browsing also for the purpose of sending advertising and / or offer services in line with your preferences (so-called "profiling cookies").

Which cookies we use / How to provide consent
Our sites use first-party technical cookies, for which no user's consent is required, and third-party profiling cookies that, instead, require consent to their use. Rossella Mora with registered office in Via Italo Calvino 23A - 00015 Monterotondo – Rome - Italy, owner of the treatment exclusively for the first-party cookies installed on the site.
On the occasion of the first visit to the Sites, you can accept all cookies by clicking on the X or OK in the banner or on any element of the page outside the banner; otherwise, you can access from the banner to this information and refuse consent to the installation of cookies by clicking on the appropriate links in the columns "Privacy Policy".
On the occasion of subsequent visits to the Sites, you can access this information through the "cookie policy" link found in the website footer and deny consent to the installation of cookies by clicking on the appropriate links in the "Privacy Policy" columns. In any case you can deny consent to all or some cookies by accessing your browser settings according to the procedure described at the following addresses:

Technical cookies
They are used by the first part to ensure efficient navigation, session stability and the selected navigation country. They also serve to memorize the choices made by the user regarding the display of some elements of the page, such as information and communication banners. Finally, it comes installed a cookie lasting no more than 12 months to track the user's consent and avoid requesting it again through the banner.

Analytical cookies
They are used by third parties, also in disaggregated form, for the management of statistics. These cookies collect information about the use of our site, to enable us to improve the browsing experience and purchase of users. All information collected is anonymous. By way of example, these cookies collect the following information:
- number of visitors, page views and navigation within the site;
- effectiveness of acquisition campaigns based on the web traffic source;
- details on products displayed and possibly purchased;

Google Analytics

Advertising cookies
They are used to provide advertising based on the interests expressed through surfing the internet and to subjects who have previously visited this site. These cookies collect demographic information and / or related to the pages visited, the products displayed, purchases made as a result of advertising campaigns; are used, by way of example, for:

- determine how many users have purchased products after clicking on advertisements;
- to display, even on other sites, advertisements in line with the demographic profile of users, or based on the specific interests of users, such as, for example,
advertisements relating to products displayed on the site or on the store;
- enrich reporting on advertising campaigns;
- avoid re-presenting users with advertisements already seen and not in line with surfing the net.

Google Ads
Google Ads Privacy Policy

Information provided by Rossella Mora with registered office in Via Italo Calvino 23A - 00015 Monterotondo – Rome - Italy, pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Code.
Independent owner of the processing of data collected through the first-party cookies installed through the site is Rossella Mora with registered office in Via Italo Calvino 23A - 00015 Monterotondo – Rome - Italy.
With reference to the website, the company reports that:

- the data are collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated and are processed using computer methods;
- the use of these cookies ("technical") does not require prior consent because they are cookies necessary to allow navigation within the sites and the proper functioning of the same. In case of removal of technical cookies through browser settings, navigation within the sites may not be, in whole or in part, possible;
- the data collected may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of each holder as managers or processors, for purposes related to those described above;
- the user can exercise the rights as per art. 7 of the Privacy Code (such as, for example, updating, rectification, integration or deletion of personal data processed in violation of the law), as better described in the Information on the processing of personal data available by selecting the link "Privacy "present in the footer of the pages of each site, writing an email, depending on the site concerned, to:
• in reference to Rossella Mora

* consent form not made available by the third party; you can however refuse consent to the installation of the cookie by accessing the browser settings with the procedure described above or by using the opt-out systems provided on (limited to the services registered by this platform, or, at the moment, those of advertising profiling).